Sequence: (same as Geometry Dash Wiki)
C S C W C(80%, auto)
Okay, let's seperate this into decoration and gameplay.
Forgive me, this level's decoration really needs improvement. (trying not to use negative words) Here are a few tips.
- You do use different decoration items, either new or old, but not very wisely. The decoration just gives a messy feel. Use decoration that fit with each other.
- Never stack several big marks that follow BPM. (exclamation mark in 20% for example) They look bad when put together. The best way to use it is to add a rotating object around it, like what RubRub did in Geometrical Dominator. (These are quite outdated though, many people came up with other arrow/exclamation mark/stuff-like-that already)
- Use text only when it is 100% necessary, and if you add it make it more appealing. Either utilize triggers, use a different way to make text or simply substitute it by symbols.
- Speaking of triggers, there are much more for triggers. Alpha triggers, rotate triggers, spawn triggers, et cetera, et cetera. There are also custom options for triggers. You can toggle the ease of a object's movement for example. I personally love the Back Out and Exponential Out easing best, as they work well and look well in many levels.
- You don't need glow to mark where the player need to jump. There is a arrow like this: > Rotate it 90 degree clockwise and scale it down to 0.5x. Voila, jump mark.
For a easy/normal level, there's not much you can add. But there's a few tips.
- Sync the gameplay with the song as much as possible. This is a vital part of gameplay, and it exist in almost every good level. You did that around 60%, which is good, but you need to find more wacky ways to sync with the gameplay. Geometry Dash is not a torture game, but a music game.
- Just use the dash orb. Please. It allows for insane gameplay and good levels, and it's a good feature in 2.1.
- Use more variety of orbs. Don't use a chain of yellow orbs, that's boring. Look at other creator's orb combo. It's hard to find a good combo, so playtest often. Get a grasp of how your character will go and add an orb on the route.
- Use more portals. Same as above, variety is important. Being an easy/normal level does not mean the gamemodes included are limited to 3 or 2. Each mode has its characteristics. (even the spider, despite being criticized as the same as the ball) Rule of thumb: new equals fun.
- Don't let auto account for 20% of the level. Also, put the player on a stable platform before putting them into auto to ensure exact position and prevent bugs.
I'm not that type of person who wants to use score to rate people's work. You do have some ideas in your head, but just don't have the skill to build awesome deco yet. Do play more epic levels. They are in 2.1 so they use the latest tileset, and the quality is very high, although it may be laggy. Speaking of lag, good levels are laggy because
they have a large amount of object. Your level has around 6k objects. Just don't be afraid to use more tiles and stack them to build the level you like. You have 40k object limit, and you can bring it up to 80k. Put more effort and your level will be amazing.