Wow... this is actually pretty good! No wonder Squall and Pauze sent it. Let me show you how.
Gameplay: 9.5/10 - When I look at a level, the first thing I look at is the gameplay. I like gameplays that are fun, dynamic, and varied. And for the most part, you fill up all three criteria. The level looks really fun to play (maybe a bit annoying, but that's besides the point), and it's certainly dynamic. The only thing that prevented me from giving full points here was that the level had a slight annoyance: whenever the music had a tenor note hold, you tend to respond with a dash orb. This became rather frequent, and got a bit annoying for me. It's harsh, but overall, I love gameplay.
Block Deco: 5/5 - Really well done! I love the filled block deco throughout the level, even though the theme might be the same. I love the contrasting block theme in the last part, which seems to be kind of a breather from the whole level. It's much more calming, certainly.
Background Deco: 4/5 - This is the weakest area, but it's still pretty good. The background itself is pretty generic (single-type objects that kinda move), but the air deco definitely makes up for it. While I know trying to create a filled background would have been bad for the level (would've turned messy), I still feel like something more could've been done with the level.
Effects: 9/10 - Nicely done in effects. I'm not very pleased about the pulsing, especially since I wish there could've been more pulses throughout the level. At least each upbeat could've received a little background pulse. I see them here and there, but I think it could've been more made well. Other than that, though, well done here.
Sync: 4.5/5 - I love gameplay sync. Pulse sync... is an issue. It doesn't match correctly to the song. Find a better way for that.
Originality: 4/5 - There is no obvious copy+paste, but I notice that the theme of the level is the same throughout the whole level, and while that in itself is not an issue, there is hardly any variety with the blocks as a whole. I liked the details of the blocks, but not so much the big picture. Work on tweaking the block designs so that while the theme is the same, the blocks are different but match the theme.
Total: 37/40 -
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Yup. No wonder TrueSquall and Pauze sent it. I loved the gameplay and the details of the blocks. I would work, however, on pulsing well (preferably to the upbeat of the music), and on the variety of the blocks in the macro scope. It's really nicely done!