gamecubeguy214 You probably don't remember ever making this thread but here is your review.
Level Name: Oldschool
Creator(s): Gamecubeguy214
Requested Difficulty: 3 stars
Personal difficulty: 4 stars
Gameplay: The gameplay in this level is simple. It is for the mpst part readable, but I saw myself dying at spots like 9%, 30% and 84% multiple times. The inability to read this level comes more from the emptiness of the level than the gameplay itself. Other than that there are no problems. In terms of how fun the level is, this falls in the ok range. It is enjoyable, but relatively forgettable. Nothing else for this section.
Sync: The sync works. It doesn't stand out but it isn't bad. Just like the gameplay, it is ok, but I feel the sync is better than the gameplay.
Block design: This is where the level starts to lose momentum. There is no actual design in this level, only the basic blocks in the editor. It's like there was no effort put into this level at all. I get that you tried a "Robtop style" but this is just lazy. The only positive I have here is that it isn't messy, but where do you have room to mess up? The design is just simply boring. It lacks all substance. Pretty much all that can be said there.
Backgrounds: There are no backgrounds, which is expected from an old styled level. That's it. I mean what else can I put when I am given nothing. I know that better can be done by pretty much anyone.
Colors: This section is supposed to focus on how well the colors work but again, you give me nothing to work with. They aren't bad but there was clearly no effort put forth in this level.
Air/Other Deco: The only thing that fits in this category from this level is the ground, but that is just default editor spikes and some of those spike cloud things. I mean you could have at least tried a bit. There are also the ring sticks and the chains set to player color but those are very uncreative too
Originality: This is a bland 1.0 styled level. I mean there is nothing else to go off of. This is effortless and lazy. I don't have a reason to say anything else.
Final Scores:
Gameplay: 12/20
Sync: 7/10
Block Design: 1/15
Backgrounds: 0/15
Colors: 1/10
Air/Other Deco: 2/15
Originality: 1/15
Overall Score: 24/100
This definitely belongs in Needs Improvement. There was no effort put into any aspects other than the gameplay. I don't know why you even put this in the judged section. There is nothing special about this level. That is pretty much all that can be said.