This has pretty good game play. The song actually syncs to the game play which is good. The black spikes look very out of place. The beginning is actually quite fun to play. I like how you added a minor custom background instead of a major one. The way you presented the song name was cool ,but pretty useless because it shows the song name when you press "play" to play the level. The block design is really good.
This part became pretty blank. Could've been better if you added more deco instead of lacking it. The block designs are still amazing. Pretty fun game play that syncs to the song. Pretty cool custom background. The moving glowing line effect things are okay. The black spikes you used are still out of place even for this part. Could be better with different color spikes.
The custom background is pretty cool. Very nice block designs. A little blank but okay. Game play is fun and it syncs to the song still. Pretty well hidden user coin. The rise to the drop is pretty boring but every level is like that.
Very well made custom background. Fun game play that syncs to the song. Very good block design. The yellow pulse objects look out of place. Could be improved with out them. Good transition.
Pretty good design. Could've been better if the yellow pulsing stars went with the rainbow effect at 66%. The game play is fun and syncs to the song. Block design is still good. When it gets to 71% it looks to hard to be a 4 or 5 star level. Could've been easier if you took off the platform at the very top at 71%. Also could've looked a lot better with out it. The blocks at 73% for the ship part is very ugly. Could've looked better if you used different kind of block other than that.
This part is awesome. The deco and the block deco is amazing. The game play syncs really well to the song. And the game play is really fun to play. Nothing seems to be out of place here. Well except for the water effect thing at the bottom at 89%. But the background at 89% is very well made. The ending text could've been better if you added glowing effect to it.
Overall, this level is pretty good. There seems to be no flaws except for some things being out of place. The game play you make syncs pretty well to the songs you use. If I were a judge I'd put this at Good Levels.