Gonna make it snappy
5 sections
Gameplay: 10:10
The gameplay is phenomenal.
Each parts gameplay was different from the last part and wasn't repetitive at all. The coins, although not all that well hidden, do require skill to obtain.
No buggy transitions or anything of the such.
Creativity: 3:10
This level is really lacking in this because of unoriginal custom blocks and it doesn't look like you put much effort in.
Try using more elaborate custom blocks.
Deco/design: 1:10
Again this level has very unoriginal custom blocks, but to go with that hardly any decoration.
It just looks like a Taman level without the elaborate custom blocks and decoration.
Sync: 3:10
I didn't see much sync at all but this could've been because you had to add the song to the video.
Originality: 1:10
This level brings nothing new to the table whatsoever, unoriginal blocks and commonly used deco is what is destroying this.
Score: 10+3+1+3+1=18
I have judged......Decent!