Post by TechMagic on Sept 17, 2016 21:33:09 GMT -5
This is my second original level. It was a random idea that came to mind one day and when I started the gameplay, I then asked my buddy if he wanted to partake in this level as well. Now it is fun, nostalgic level by the both of us that i think is good enough for a star rate. Name: Unity Level Creator(s): TechMagic & MoonSpark Level ID: 19815859 Difficulty: 6* Song: Unity by TheFatRat Collab/Solo: Collab VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHtZzSdlt6k
Stereo Madness
My best level atm: team b
15 posts
Favorite Level: Back on track
Hardest Demon: fff7f7
Mini-Profile Background: 5cfdda
Mini-Profile Name Color: {"image":"https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2Fa%2Fa7%2FFlag_of_Afghanistan_(1880%25E2%2580%25931901).svg%2F2000px-Flag_of_Afghanistan_(1880%25E2%2580%25931901).svg.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FBlack_Standard&docid=3XUR9umFpL-AuM&tbnid=B841k41wem3EQM%3A&w=2000&h=1333&ei=uR7qVoGWIYzu-QHXu4rQAg","color":"000000"}
Post by blarian on Sept 17, 2016 21:48:32 GMT -5
this level isn't nearly as good as dear nostalgiest or about a ghost. the gameplay isnt nearly as good and the colour pulse and triggers used are terrible. its a bad excuse to say that if another persons level gets featured, mine should too. doesnt deserve stars. moon's part deserves stars but the rest is terrible gameplay and colour pulsing.
Post by TechMagic on Sept 18, 2016 15:07:08 GMT -5
keep in mind it was my second level and i was only starting to figure out how to use triggers and stuff. and im sorry the gameplay couldnt be better either. but youre not the judge here, so i dont care about your opinion
Post by thetoxicpig on Dec 22, 2016 23:38:38 GMT -5
First Impressions: This is clearly going for a revamped 1.0 style, which I change my standards for. In this, gameplay and sync will have more weight than design. Design will be X/5, and Gameplay and Sync will be judged X/10. It's also much harder for you to get Feature-Worthy as a rating; Good is the best a 1.0 style can get unless the gameplay is superb.
0-28% The first cube is wonderfully synced. The orb movements and the jumps (especially before the melodic drop), feel fluent to the song. The ship section doesn't feel like a drag because of the moving objects and semi-tight corridor. The big UFO segment is standard of a revamped 1.0 level, but that in no way is a bad thing. The weakest segment in this section is the mini UFO; I feel the speedup was unnecessary and the player can skip the slow speed transition. Besides that, the gameplay is reminiscent of 1.8-1.9 levels, always a plus. Gameplay: 9/10 Sync: 8/10
I know that design was not a highlight in this level, but you could have added more block structures and changed the block design, even with the 1.0 blocks. You could also see beyond the spikes in the ship transition, which is something you should ALWAYS avoid as it makes your level seem unfinished and unpolished. Adding a block structure above the spike should solve this. I also feel that there could have been more usage of the old 1.0 pulsing objects; they were a huge part of old 1.2 levels by creators such as Darnoc and Funnygame. Some block structures feel chunky and are aesthetically unpleasing; try rotating and mixing blocks even within block structures (you did this well in the slow ship section). Design: 2/5
28-57% The gameplay in this section gets better as it goes. The ball has some orb spam, which is something you should generally avoid unless the orbs have good sync, which this does not. The slow cube section is a bit of a drag and the sync is slightly off, especially at the countdown to the second drop. The robot section is really fun, even with a small bug at 47-48. The fast-paced ship well matches the fast pacing of the song, and the size changes fit the beat perfectly. The flashes are a nice touch as well. Gameplay: 7/10 Sync: 9/10
No offense to you, but Moon is a better creator design-wise. The ball and cube parts are very empty, with no unique or interesting block designs. There are plenty of tools to use for decoration, even with the 1.0 objects. There are also a few layering issues (the spiky decoration and obstacle clashes with the blocks; use the Group layering feature to fix). Moon does a lot of what I originally expected when I entered this level: pulses, objects to serve as a background, and interesting block structures (his obstacles in his ship section is a good example of this). He also incorporates the use of decoration inside the empty spaces of the blocks, a design that almost every creator used in 1.2-1.4. Design: 3/5
57-71% The gameplay here is still fun, but the sync is a bit lacking. It would have been cool if the UFO segment constantly went upwards as to sync up with the song, but instead the player is forced to take a clicking pattern that feels detached from the melody (which is the catchiest part of the level). The robot gameplay also has a similar detachment. The ship segment is filler but matches the movement of the song well. Overall there are not enough inputs from the player to make this gameplay or sync as much as it could be; it fails to keep up with the intense vibe the song creates. Instead, Moon relies on pulses, which is only effective when paired with dynamic gameplay. Gameplay: 5/10 Sync: 3/10
The design, on the other hand, is probably the best in this section. The dark sections with the neon outlines is reminiscent of some of the first effects in the game, and the structures here are intricate for a 1.0 level. I wish the blocks at the transition to the cube were solid, but this is just some nitpicking. The spike structures at the robot have good variety and prevent the player from abusing robot physics. The ship section is the most plain, lacking good block design and having minimal deco. Design: 4/5
71-End Sadly, this is the worst part of the level. There is a transition bug at the start of this section that causes the player to miss the gravity portals, making them fall to the ground. The wave gameplay has no sync and feels a bit cheap due to the moving objects, and the duel wave is boring. The last ball has minimal sync and not enough movement, matching only to an off-beat. The last cube segment has good sync but no gameplay to match with it. Gameplay: 2/10 Sync: 3/10
The design here is nothing like before the level. There are no interesting block structures and the only decorations are the faded standard block, the long chainlike object, jump orbs at the duel wave, and the spiky decoration at the very end. The last slope is also unfinished and looks awkward. My hunch is that the creator (whether it was Moon or you) were in a hurry to finish and didn't think about what made the rest of the level so enjoyable. Design: 0/5
Total: Gameplay: 23/40 Design: 9/20 Sync: 23/40 Grand Total: 55/100 Rating: Decent
Final Comments: The beginning of the level had so much promise, but the level became worse as it ran on. Be patient when creating, and give the same amount of attention to each section. If you edit the end and resubmit, I have no doubt that you can get a good (Feature Worthy is still far from your grasp with a 1.0 level). Playtest your levels for bugs, and work on making more intricate block designs.