0% - 12%
Decent Gameplay, although it's a bit repetitive, with lots of orbs and no fakes, making for somewhat boring gameplay.
I Like the whole look, however, i would have preferred some colour changes and more decoration.
The Effects are good, but in my opinion a bit bland at points. Also, the sync in the short mini-wave part is off.
12% - 21%
The Gameplay isn't very original, i know it's meant to resemble deadlocked, but it could do with some new ideas.
The Design is not the best. it's really, really empty and the very few colour changes you used didn't make it much better.
The Sync is slightly off, too.
21% - 28%
The Gameplay is pretty boring, and the part where it says "this block is good, this block is bad" doesn't really have effect and all blocks seem fine to me. (as far as i can see).
The Deco is kinda ugly. the red spikes, although provide a bit of relief from the overwhelming green, don't go well. also, there is very limited blending use.
The UFO Part was also unoriginal, following a simple 'flappy bird' pattern.
28% - 36%
This part is the worst part of the level.
The Gameplay isn't especially bad, but the decoration is non-existent.
Also, as a Side note, the glow that comes off the orbs should only come off the ones you use. just a tip.
36% - 42%
One of the best parts, the equalizer effect is decently executed, however a bit of height variation wouldn't hurt
The Gameplay seems to be pretty good, with a few fakes, but could be improved.
42% - 57%
The Block design is bland, and needs some relief, again, use more colours, even if you're going for a 'retro' theme.
Also, this level as a whole really needs blending. and about double the decoration.
57% - 100%
From Here On, i think the same sort of stuff applies, needs better gameplay, more deco, blending, etc.
32/70 = 4.57/10