Trying something new......
(0-12%)The gameplay here doesn't start off well. You have spikes that pop up with little warning. You should make them not pop up, or at least give more warning. The later parts here have better gameplay though. However, with the design, it is quite bad. The block designs are not well made, as seen in the wave. You should make the diagonal blocks look more tileable (look at 9% to see what not to do), as it looks bad in its current form. Also, the decoration is basically non-existent. You need to have decoration in order to make a good level. The gameplay sync in this part is pretty good. However, it really could have used some background pulses to improve it.
(12-26%)The gameplay starts to deteriorate here. The problem is that all the orbs and portals have weird colors, instead of just using the default colors. This creates too much confusion. It gets especially bad during the wave part. You need to use the default orb and portal colors here. With the block design, it's basically the same, in terms of the many problems with it. You need to patch up the block design in order to improve the look of the level. As for the decoration, there is none. The music sync isn't that bad, but it does miss a few beats, and there aren't much in the way of pulses that could help. You need to add background pulses to make the music sync better.
(26-40%)The gameplay doesn't start off well, as the first ship is basically straight flying. The UFO is more fun, as it has some actual gameplay. In the first ship, you need to have the player go up and down, as it makes it less boring than straight flying. With the block design in the ship, it is painfully copy-pasted and lacks any air deco. However, the UFO decoration is passable, in terms of it actually having a marginal amount of decoration. Really, the music sync is similar in quality to the last part. You really need to add pulse triggers, as those would improve the sync and slightly help the decoration as well.
(40-53%)Oh god, more straight flying. This time, a lot of portals and orbs are nearly invisible. You just shouldn't do that. Make them full or near-full opacity, and remove some of the straight flying, as it gets repetitive quickly. The block designs aren't very well made, as they use some blocks incorrectly. You need to fix this. The other problem is the limited air deco, a problem which has plagued the entire level. The sync isn't really that good, as the gameplay doesn't match some parts very well. I'm going to stop telling you to add pulse triggers now, as it is getting tiring. Either way, you should improve the gameplay sync quite a bit here.
(53-63%)Here, the problem is first that the ball part has kinda weird gameplay, and the invisible teleportation portal at the beginning doesn't help. Also, during the swingcopter part, you should have used a regular-size ball instead of a mini ball, as the mini ball can create bugs (I mean the ball with the blue orbs). The decoration started to get better, but then you had the swingcopter, where the blue pulsing object spam was horrible. Just replace it with a block. The design wasn't that good and there wasn't any air deco in the cube either. The sync is pretty good but is still negatively affected by the problem I have mentioned several times already (the pulses).
(63-76%)Some parts of the gameplay are solid, but they are plagued by the weird orb and portal colors. Also, the first cube has kinda weird gameplay. The block design is getting better. However, there still isn't enough decoration. You really need to add more decoration in order for the level to look good. The sync shines in this part. Here, it is actually pretty well synced, and there is some form of background pulses.
(76-89%)This part is more fun. However, the ball is a little weird, in that tapping a yellow orb as a timing while as a ball is somewhat annoying. The block design is a bit too weird, and there is a lack of decoration in most areas. You need more decoration. The sync is good earlier on, but the ship part is just begging for background pulses, and it doesn't have any.
(89-100%)The gameplay here is kinda boring. There just isn't anything except for some spike jumps. You should add orbs or height changes for more variety. Here, there simply isn't enough decoration. The sync is very good, due to the background pulses actually being included.
OriginalityThis level isn't very original, as some parts are copy-pasted, and it didn't really introduce anything new.
Gameplay: 7.1
Design: 0.7
Sync: 6.4
Originality: 0.9
Total: 12.8
Result: Needs Improvement
Difficulty: Easy-Medium Demon