Shots Fired by JGK (assuming non-auto version here)
GameplayNot that good to be honest. Everything up until the first mini-ship was alright, although the dual portal at 18% should be visible so that the player can expect it. I do like how no matter which path you take in the purple mini-ship, though, it's still possible to continue. Starting from when the mini-ship teleports into a normal ship, the gameplay starts to go downhill. This ship & wave part requires a lot of memorization/trial-and-error since the spike borders and the spike attacks (hard to see but they move from left to right quickly during these parts) move without warning. I think the spike attacks should be removed altogether and there should be indications on where the player should go to when the spike borders move. The transition from this wave to the robot is also very sudden since it uses invisible teleportals so the obstacles just suddenly appear in front of you, making it easy to die afterwards. I really suggest avoiding transitions like these since it's not very fun to die after getting unexpectedly teleported.
The robot/cube part and the blue mini-ship both had fairly solid gameplay, with the memorization not being too much or the obstacles not bring unexpected. The purple ship isn't that bad either, but it's possible to die from one of the wavy black spikes without touching them. This bug needs to be fixed, since it makes for some rather frustrating deaths. The green wave part afterwards is alright in the auto, but in the actual, there are no normal-size portals that I'm aware of, meaning the entire thing has to be done in mini-wave, which makes the entire part have a huge difficulty spike. The size portals should be added in the non-auto like they are in the auto version so that the difficulty will be as intended.
Finally, in the last Nine Circles wave, it can be very difficult to see the obstacles because of the NC background. The entire NC effect should just be scrapped and replaced with another, less gameplay-intruding effect instead to fix this problem.
DecorationDecent. Color choices were good in this level, none of them looked too saturated or out-of-place. Block designs were also pretty good with some creative ones, like the first wave (except for the ending, but I'll get to that later). The design also managed to stay fairly consistent but still had some variations.
The first cube had way too many overlapping background decoration that makes its design messy and the amount of BG decoration in that part simply needs to be cut down. The ball part all the way to the wave with the pink wave after that had very good designs with some nice touches, like the ball background decoration, the first wave block design, and the spike border ship/wave custom BG.
From the robot part afterwards to the wave before the drop, the most glaring issue is the lack of decoration to the spike borders around the blocks. It's really necessary to have these since otherwise the design will look unfinished and empty. The purple mini-ship could also have more organized decoration with enough space between the BG decoration.
The ending is the most disappointing part about the level's decoration, for me. Instead of a creative, well-designed effect to reflect the drop of the song, the NC effect is used instead. The entire ending's decoration needs to be reworked since the NC effect is very overused, is out of place with the designs of the rest of the level, and hurts to look at (even more than the traditional 1.9 ones). The effect really needs to be changed to one that's more creative and less painful to look at.
Music SyncTransitions and BG flashes were well-synced to that level. Cube/ball/robot jumps were somewhat synced but could use more polishing. The designs and the gameplay also fit well the tune of the song, even the ending since it happens at the chaotic drop (although you should still change it)
OverallThe level starts out promising with decent gameplay and good designs, but progressively goes downhill as the level goes on.