Ill get to work. Btw sorry for not a full review cuz im not supposed to judge cuz im on vacation and im super buzy so.... anyhow lets go!
0%-6% K this starts okay, and i have some stuff to be noted of. The only con i find was the lack of detail in here. I atleast some of it can be added as around 3% it was just point blank with some portal trails and stuff. Other than that, this part is not so hard, and music sync is perfect here. The flow of this is very good.
7%-16% Cool opening, i really like how even the borders are decorated, as the levels i see dont have any decoration and is point blank. The background is very smooth, i really like how it syncs with the music sync. The 3D stuff on this level is amazing. Very well put together. Music sync is almost perfectly matched with the song. Gameplay is awesome because the background just seems like you're exploring an aquarium with stuff. The flow of this part is alot better than the last part.
17%-35% The opening imo needs to be fixed a little bit, because the border just switches in a blink which the transition of this seems very messy. Again, very cool background. Its just amazing how the background flashes how it matches with the song piano. Music sync is again good, but it seems like you purposely moved the wave to match with the music. (I watched video and played the level) I don't know it just seems like it imo. Gameplay is again very well put together. I predicted the next part was going to be very exciting. Nothing much to say about gameplay, as it is very good and well put together.
36%-48% This part is very good again, i really like how the border switches sides matching the song. Detail is good again and there are parts that amazed me. My favourite was when the border switched sides with the little blue line/rain thingys also went with it. Music sync is done like perfect. All orbs match up to the song. For gameplay, the border was good on other stuff, but for gameplay it made me dizzy a little bit the way it switches sides and i had to focus on everything. But for the most parts if nobody is like doing critics then you should be fine.
49%-66% Detail is very good again. But this time i didn't spot any background matching with song
Nothing much to say here with detail either than the background matching with song. I really thought it would because all the other parts did. Music sync is very good again, I like matching the portals with song. Gameplay was the worst part in this level because it seemed boring because it was just straight flying and switching portals.
67%-90% My favourite part. Lets see why. Detail was amazing. The border was so cool like it made go wow. I dont see lots of those grid looking blocks common anymore, but today you sir just used it stunningly well. Sync is so good again. And yay the background matched with the song. My favourite thing was that the flashing lines. Just the way it matches with song. I think everything is synced. Gameplay is the best in here. It was so cool with the song going to an end.
91%-100 Nothing much to say here as this is the ending except the name was detailed and just says it boldly.
Detail: 9/10 Most parts are put to well detail. I think that the point blank parts can be fixed as they are the cons that erased 1 point of the mark.
Sync: 9.3/10 All parts have sync except that one part around 49% where the background isn't synced. As all the other parts's background is.
Gameplay: 9/10 Most parts have good gameplay except the straight flying part where you just fly. I think it can be fixed with like some other things.
Flow: 9/10 The flow is awesome. Everything flows very well except the part around 17% can be more smooth.
Originality: 0.9x The reason why i put .1 away is because of how common the border thingys are now a days in levels. But the border detail and shape was completely original.
Overall Score: 32.67/40 Everything seemed very much of a hard work and it showed it that way. Everything was well put together.
Rating: Feature worthy
Difficulty: Normal or hard 3* or 4*
Again sorry for crappy review because im on a vacation and i was in a rush. Anyhow i should move to the feature worthy section. Good job warrek! It was awesome to be noticed by a good creator like you