ik i'm not TimeLink, but I thought this level was really cool
Design: (Pros: 3/5) - (Cons: 7.2/10)
Design Pros: (3/5)
1. The Demon face at the end was really cool and greatly designed. I thought that the demon face had almost every detail on it's face like the actual demon difficulty icon.
2. The low detail option was a good idea because you could get to not lag (But idk how you would lag unless you had a bad PC or Graphics Card). I thought it was a good idea because you actually cared about if people would lag or not.
3. The custom background was really great halfway through the level with the spinning gear detail as the background.
Design Cons: (7.2/10)
1. 18% with the first cube. I personally thought that part needed to have the continuation of the designs before that part to improve it's look and design.
2. 18-21%'s gray and red color change in the Cube. I didn't think that the color change was ready for that part, because it seemed a bit too early for it and didn't match right with the sync (I'll include this in the sync too).
3. 27-40%'s design/detail lack. I thought you could add a bit more detail into those parts. It seemed dull without designs. Even with the custom background. (Custom Background improved the designs there a bit). I would add maybe block details going through the screen to make block and normal details.
4. 55-59%'s Rocket Ship. I didn't think there were enough details there. I would maybe add block details, or normal, regular details. For block designs, try adding a glow to the blocks without spikes (Green), and a red glow to the blocks with spikes. For normal details, I would continue the designs as like the beginning designs to better keep the level's theme.
5. 66-70%. The designs there were lacking as well. I would continue the designs from the beginning, just like the other flaws.
6. 77-82%'s gravity ball. Add more detail to there like the beginning (I know I'm saying this a lot, sorry.)
7. 87-92%. I think you could add block design this time, like a glowing effect. The glows are gray originally, but when you step on them, they turn green and fade away with the alpha trigger
Gameplay: (Pros: 2/5) - (Cons: 6.4/10)
Gameplay Pros: 2/5
1. The gameplay for most of the level was somewhat fun, fast paced, and really hard.
2. Not very much repetitiveness was found in the gameplay, and it was somewhat solid in the whole level.
Gameplay Cons: 6.4/10
(Half Point Off) 1. 8%'s mini wave. I thought that the 3 slopes that could kill you were a bit repetitive in the gameplay, but not that much. I'm only counting this off for half a point because it was only 3, and my maximum repetitiveness cache is 2.
2. 5% and so on with the slope that had the cut off looking block design at it's ends. It was repetitive because it looked as it was copied and pasted in almost every gravity ball part.
3. 20-24%'s single blocks in the gray, black, and red color theme change. I didn't really like how repetitive the blocks were. Even with the ones you didn't step on, it was repetitive. I would use different blocks for the ones you don't step on, but use 3 different blocks to avoid it being very repetitive.
(Half Point Off) 4. 30%'s mini wave. The 3 dangerous slopes were at minimum repetitiveness in my eyes.
5. 36-40%'s upside down rocket ship. The single blocked blocks with the spikes on them seemed too repetitive for that part. I would change some blocks with their spike type to better lessen the repetitiveness.
6. 55-58%'s normal rocket ship. The amount of singe blocks that were there were really repetitive. I would change the width, height, and type of the blocks you don't step on, and maybe add different types of spikes on them, whilst some block types are changed with the single blocks.
7. 77-81% mini gravity ball. I didn't like how repetitive the single blocks were AGAIN. I would keep changing block types and like I said in 6.
8. 81-86%'s mini wave. Those looked a lot like the first gravity ball slope. Those were also repetitive a lot kind of in that part. I would change the type of slopes to better decrease the gameplays con score.
Music Sync: (Pros: 3/5) (Cons: 9.9/10)
Music Sync Pros: 3/5
1. The sync fit somewhat well with the level's jumps.
2. The mood fit the level throughout the whole level.
3. I only found 1 error in music sync O.o
Music Sync Cons: 9.9/10
1. 18-21%'s color theme change. I didn't think that the color theme change was ready. I thought it was ready at 22% thought. I would keep it's original colors from 18-21% and then roll in the color theme change at 22%.
Overall: (Pros: 8/15) (Cons: 7.8/10)
The Music Sync was the best out of the whole level, while the gameplay... It could use a whole lot of fixing up with it's repetitiveness and other things. The Designs could use some fixing up and touching up, but it was someone good if you don't fix them up. I would say this is star worthy.
My Opinion: Move to High-End Decent | Rate Non-Auto Version 10 stars | Feature if designs go up to 9 or higher, Gameplay goes to 8-9 or higher.