Pretty nice job! Here's my super long KiriE review for you to get bored of 8)
Cube/Dual (0:00 - 0:18): Really nice star effects! I can't even imagine how cool this would look if they moved, though. Maybe even pulses in the background, or anything to add to the effect and make it look even more cosmic. The gameplay isn't the best, but it's something. Adding more blocks sticking out of the black on the outside to jump onto could improve the gameplay even more. I know that effect levels aren't always about gameplay, but it always will help to get the best out of it to give players a better experience on your level.
UFO (0:18 - 0:29): Much better! The stars in the background look great with the design, the gameplay always changes with it's blocks (but doesn't look wacky together), and even the coin is placed in a way that isn't frustrating, but not bone-headed easy. The sync is also surprisingly good, considering it's a UFO section. The ONLY critique I have for this section is a little more could be added to the ground in some spots, I noticed some places are missing spikes (or it was just your descision) and I think it could've used detail of some sort. But overall, very nicely done!
Cube (0:29 - 0:35): Not much to say, gameplay obviously isn't the best, but I guess it's okay because you put text there showing "Auto" and "Not Auto". The transition from the slow to fast cube section is very sudden, try not to blend the block decor in like that, because it looks bizarre how the blocks turn from black to instantly the new space-style.
Ball (0:35 - 0:50): Absolutely stunning effects. Really great job on them! I love how you made the blocks shine when you land on them, that was just one of the really cool effects in the part. This time, the stars actually move. I wish you could've done this for the rest of the level, but I guess this just makes this section that much better.
Wave/Dual (0:50 - 0:57): Gameplay is decent, effects are the same. Not anything special about this part, but still a nice job.
Cube/Ship (0:57 - 1:26): Pretty good effects. I honestly prefer the colors at the cube sections, something about them just works really well together. The flashing stars also look really cool, I'm glad you added that into the level. However, I can see the tops of the last ship section when you transition into the cube section, so just take note of that.
Wave (1:26 - 1:32): The block design is much different here. Was it the best choice? I don't really think so, but it changes the style and doesn't make the level too repetitive, so I like that decision. Gameplay isn't the best, but it's definitely something. The transition into the next cube feels very sudden, though, just make sure that in the future don't change designs so quickly that it looks wacky altogether.
Cube (1:32 - 1:37): Looks a little more empty in this part than the beginning did. Maybe it was just your object limit, but it looks a little rushed imo. That being said, the sync is pretty nice.
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Not amazing, but considering this level is entirely based on the effects/design I think you did a decent job.
Design: 9.5/10
Really stunning effects for the most part, the end is a bit rushed but still I was deeply impressed with it's realism.
Originality: 9/10
Cosmic levels have been done before. I have never seen one with such well executed effects. Really nicely done!
Music sync: 8.5/10
Some parts near the beginning could use improvement but mostly the sync is well done.
Overall: 34.5/10 or 8.6/10 - Feature-worthy