Alright, I´m back, Time to start smashing the Keyboard again. For this Suggestion, being the 3rd Review, I might be the fewest important, but this is gonna get interesting, as I partially disagree with both Ziels and Kiris Reviews.
General Things to be said: The Level looks a lot like a Layout to be honest, there isnt much Deco put. This is a Style throughout nearly the entire Level, and as such, I don´t go about it everytime. Also some of the Gameplay Parts have no Indication for whats happening, I specify on that more in the corresponding Parts.
First Cube:(0:00-0:13) I don´t think there is much to be said about the Design here, it´s very plain and boring, and this goes on throughout basically the entire Level. However, I do see some Effort put into this atleast, becuase you´ve got a pretty fitting Custom BG there, which I like a lot. About the Gameplay here, It would be very nice, if only there would be more Indication for some Things, like often Pillars and Pads move into View too late for you to react. This doesnt have any major Effects now, since it´s not used very often, but it is pretty annoying to say the least.
First UFO:(0:14-0:19) From the Design, this looks more like something you would actually expect to see in a proper Level, but again is very blank, plus the Custom BG is gone now. From the Gameplay, I do´nt like this Part very much either, because A), the Transition is too quick, and gives you pretty few Time to react, and B), when you go through the last Pillar, there is very limited Leeway you have on your Jumps before you crash into the Spikes, though this one is minor. Aside from this, this Part looks and is fun again.
First Ship:(0:20-0:26) This is where the Gameplay actually becomes very fun imo. I like how here, you gave the Part a general Concept and used a certain Type of Obstacles, but every Time a different Way, so there is nearly no Copy + Paste here. This is especially fun because of the Waves you do with the Ship, those feel so dynamic. ;o;
First Ball:(0:27-0:39) Here, everything gives you enough Time to react properly, even at the pretty weird Transition at 0:32, which is a Thing very important for easy Gameplays. This is also fun, while not being repetitive again, and you atleast connected the Platforms, unlike most People. ;3;
First Wave and Cube Outro:(0:40-End) About the Wave Part, maybe at the Start give Player a bit more Time to react by setting the Teleportation Portal higher up, other than that, this looks really good, because while the Effects may look like it, they dont actually affect the Gameplay, which is a very nice Thing very few People can do! The Buzzsaws in this Part seem to be a bit misplaced here imo, as I think they dont really fit the Style of the Level, but let it be I guess. For the Cube, we´ve had this many Times before People, but trying to stretch your Level with Credits is just not a good Idea. Normally, without Credits a Level should be
atleast 1:00-1:10 long, if not longer honestly. This Level however, I only see around 50 Seconds of actual Gameplay, which is
very few, to say the least.
Gameplay: 7.5/10 Generally very fun, add some Indications for moving Objects maybe, like in the first Cube, give Transitions more (Reaction)Time and try to make the Level longer, that´s about all I have here, aside from this it´s good and fun.
Music Sync: 4.6/10 Nearly not there aside from Transitions imo, although there is some Effort put into it in Order to improve this, there are a couple of Things you can do A), Add Deco and make it pulse with the Music. B), Make the Background flash with the Music, and C), sync the Gameplay to the Music more, like Tap Patterns should correspond to the actual Course.
Design and Deco: 3.8/10 Virtually nonexistent, except for some Custom BGs here and there. With a Level like this, many Things go well to fill up the empty Spaces, such as simplistic Clouds, Stars, those Shapes that RobTop always syncs with the Beat, etc. etc. I´m sure you´re gonna find something.
Originality: 5/10 Since this Level doesnt really have some Sort of Style, I guess it´s something different, but it feels too empty to be honest.
Extras: 4.9/10 This Level is really lacking most Atmosphere, since it´s so empty.
I like what you put, but put more of it. The Things you did do worked out very well too, like the Effects of Custom BGs, but this Level is just very unspecial. Plus it´s really short again, considering the Credits go from around 85% till the End, which is too much.
Score: 25.8/50 or 5.16,
Along with Kiri, I´d put this to Decent. Since there have already been three Reviews on this now, I suggest moving this.
~Pear~ Mechanguis