Well, this is my first review
1.Herpoxos part: One Huge Thing, it's very messy. The background is way to big and uses to much blocks, it distracts you from the actual gameplay + it's overused. There's alot of dragons and spike monsters, a little too much. That said aside, overall I do like the block choices, it really seems to fit with the music. The decoration seems to be decent, all though at times it does get distracting. The gameplay seems fun, nothing to much to say about it. But the one main thing I would change here is the background, it's wayy to distracting and looks ugly in places. And blending, I would put your part as under the good section.
2.Atheoz part: There's major copying and pasting. The blocks and and the decoration looks good to but its just the same over and over again, add some spice, mix it up. The gameplay is bland. It doesnt really look like 2.0, it gives off more of a 1.9 look, which i dont mind, but it really doesnt match Herpoxos part, I would put this in the decent section.
3.Flyffins part: Again a lot of copying and pasting, bland gameplay . The colors really dont seem to fit together. But it's an intresting idea, I think the neon circles in the background give your part a very different tone. It reminds me of a sewer, which if that's what you were going for, good job, probably the best part so far. I do think your gameplay does need some sync and just overall more fun, yours would go in the good tab, good job. But add pulses, it would make it look a lot more intresting.between the future.
4.Cos part: I like the custom background, but after the dual there's a lot of them and it starts to crowd the screen, it doesnt really affect your part that much, but imo it would look better with less blocks, The gameplay is very fund, and the block choices for the ship match your part perfectily, I think the dual doted lines would look better if they had a lower opacity, but then again imo. Really quite a good part, I would defientaly put it under the future tab. Really gj.
5.Kroteras part: Im going to be honest, your part is a challenge to nitpick. Your style is extremely unique, it really looks great. Everything really fits together in this part, the fire, the blocks, the lazers, the waves, really everything plays a piece. But even though it is cool, it's messy. But in a good way. If your part wasn't messy, it would suck lol. Future tab fs, amazing job, it seems the collab gets better as it goes on.
6.Dynamics Part: VERYYY BLAND. One funnygame bg and one spike design, Cmon. Be original, this of course is the main flaw, as the bg is completly copied from funnygame.There's not much decor at all in this part, the gameplay is fine, it really isnt exciting but it's not bad. But there's just one custom bg and the rest are spikes, which is just very bland. Make your own style. DECENT
7.Reveriers part: I really like how flashy this part is, it does give your part a different look. The style is a little overused in effect levels, but you seemed to make it stick out. The gameplay once again isnt amazing, but its not bad.The transition between the wave is really nice, overall just a really nice part. I can't find much in your part that I would change over then the lack of decor in your wave. FUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE TABBBBBB
Sorry if this is way to harsh, I have no clue if this is a good review or a bad one