Post by qwerty3241 on Nov 19, 2023 1:01:39 GMT -5
Hi, thank you everyone for your support! I finally became a Support Mod! Because of that, I decided to make this thread.
Some of you might have already seen one of my threads very similar to this:
Tbh, it was actually just a semi-joke thread as an introduction to programming.
But this thread, I'll try to explain everything as detailed as possible, this will be designed for new players who wants to be good at creating.
Parts of the Editor
Below, what you see is the Level Editor. You use this for creating and editing levels.
Each part is marked by a different color. (If you can't see the text properly, I'm sorry, just highlight it too see it clearly.)
The buttons on the left are used for Playtesting and Zooming. The buttons in order from top to bottom are:
Playtest Music - Plays the music the level is currently using right now. A green vertical line will appear, showing what part of the music is where.
Playtest Level - Plays the level in the editor by using a test cube. It will mark a green line wherever it goes, useful for marking places.
Zoom In - Zooms in the level. To see tiny details of the level.
Zoom Out - Zooms out the level. To give a wider view of the level.
The buttons on the upper-left corner is for Undo/Redoing and Quick Delete. The buttons in order from left to right are:
Undo - Undoes the last action you have done. You can undo up to 200 steps, you can adjust it by going to the settings.
Redo - Redoes the last action you have undoed. Same as Undo, you can redo up to 200 steps.
Quick Delete - To delete the selected area of blocks. For easier deleting instead of having to click the Delete tab on the bottom corner.
This is the Scroll Bar, you can quickly scroll horizontally through the level without having to manually swipe through it.
Here we have the Settings buttons. The two buttons (from left to right) are:
Level Settings - These are the settings for changing the appearance of the level. This is to be explained in detail later.
Pause Menu - Not technically for pausing the game, this is just a menu for saving the level and changing your editor preferences.
These buttons are for copy/pasting and assigning groups. The buttons are:
Copy - Used to copy a selected area, which is to be used later for Pasting.
Paste - Used to paste the copied area. The Copy button needs to be used in order for this to be enabled.
Copy+Paste - Duplicates the selected area directly on top of it. This is the combination of Copy and Paste.
Edit Object - Used for editing an object's data. To be explained later.
Edit Group - Used for assigning a group to certain objects. To be explain later.
De-select - Used for deselecting the selected area.
Layer Switch - Used for switching between the layers. When you press left while on Layer 0, it will display all the layers at once.
These are the Build tabs, which will be explained later.
These buttons are for editing. From left to right then top to bottom:
Swipe Button - With this, you can do certain functions with just a swipe. When Build is active, it will act as an object brush. When Edit is active, you can select many objects at once. When Delete is active, it will act as an eraser brush.
Rotate Button - Used to quickly activate the Free Rotate on the selected area. You can press this instead of pressing Edit then finding Free Rotate there.
Free Move Button - It allows you to freely move an object and drag it everywhere.
Snap Button - It needs to work with Free Move. When you drag an object, it will snap it to the grid, instead of having float coordinates.
This is the Item Selection Menu. For Build, you can select objects. For Edit, you can select a function. For Delete, you can select a delete mode.
You can change how many items are displayed by going to the Editor Settings.
This is the Functions menu, where you can select from three options: Build, Edit, and Delete.
Build - With this, you can select from a menu of objects. You can place them wherever you want.
Edit - With this, you can edit an object's location, size, and rotation.
Delete - With this, you can delete objects.
And finally, this is your Building Area. This is the most important part of the Level Editor. This is where you place all the objects for your level.
Edit Object
This button allows you to edit an object's data, such as color, pretty much just the color.
Most blocks have two tabs to choose from, the Base and Detail.
Base is mostly for coloring the line of a block.
Detail is for the color of the block inside.
Next Free is for selecting the next free color that hasn't been used by other blocks/triggers yet.
Browse is for browsing colors in the color channels list.
There are a lot of color channels to use from.
Copy and Paste let's you copy and paste the properties of that block to another block.
HSV is for choosing an alteration of the color, such as Hue, etc.
Edit Group
This button allows you to edit the groups which an object is assigned to.
At the top, there are three variables.
Editor L changes which layer the object is at.
Editor L2 is just the same as Editor L, except that it acts as its second layer.
Z Order is for which Z-axis it is located. The higher the number, the more it is at the top.
At the middle, we have the Group Assigning Panel. You can assign objects to group by typing in a number and pressing Add.
Next Free gives you the next free group that isn't used by the other objects.
In this example, the block is in Group 1.
You can add up to 10 groups in an object.
Z Layer changes where the base Z-axis is. Top being the topmost, and Bot being the bottommost. Default sets its default Z Layer.
Dont Fade makes the object not fade when in object transitions.
Group Parent indicates that it is the center of the group when there are a lot of objects selected.
Build Menu
This is the menu when you want to build objects. Here, we have many tabs:
In order from left to right, they are:
Blocks - regular blocks where (most of them) the cube can stand on.
Slabs - works the same as blocks, except that they are slabs.
Outlines - just like blocks as well, except that they are hollow.
Slopes - they let the cube slide at some angle. The possible angles are 45° and 26.565°.
Spikes - (most of them) kill the cube once it touches it.
3D Outlines - they are decorations, they don't affect the level in anyway.
Interactives - they are special blocks. They interact with the cube, and some which the cube can interact with.
Decorations 1 - self-explanatory.
Decorations 2 - self-explanatory v2.
Rhythm objects - they are also decorations. They beat with the music.
Spinners - they all rotate, some act as spikes, some are simply decoration.
Triggers - to be explained later.
Custom Objects - you can save a structure of objects with this. Use the Plus (+) sign to save Custom Objects, the Minus (-) to remove them from the tab.
Here are the possible Interactives you can use in the game:
Each object will be explained and what they functions are (left to right, top to bottom):
Yellow Jump Pad - makes the cube jump very high upon contact.
Pink Jump Pad - makes the cube jump slightly lower upon contact.
Blue Jump Pad - makes the cube change gravity upon contact.
Yellow Orb - makes the cube jump when tapped.
Pink Orb - makes the cube jump a bit lower when tapped.
Blue Orb - makes the cube change gravity when tapped.
Green Orb - combination of yellow and blue orbs. Makes the cube change gravity then jump when tapped.
Blue Gravity Portal - changes the gravity to normal.
Yellow Gravity Portal - changes the gravity to inverted.
Cube Portal - changes the character to a cube.
Ship Portal - changes the character to a ship.
Ball Portal - changes the character to a ball.
UFO Portal - changes the character to a UFO.
Wave Portal - changes the character to a wave.
Robot Portal - changes the character to a robot.
Orange Mirror Portal - mirrors the level to inverted.
Blue Mirror Portal - mirrors the level to normal.
Green Size Portal - resizes the cube to normal.
Purple Size Portal - resizes the cube to mini.
Orange Dual Portal - makes two cubes appear.
Blue Dual Portal - makes only one cube appear.
Teleportals - makes the cube teleport. Once it enters to the Blue portal, it exits out the Orange portal.
Slow Speed Portal - changes the game speed to slow.
Normal Speed Portal - changes the game speed to normal.
Fast Speed Portal - changes the game speed to fast.
Very Fast Speed Portal - changes the game speed to very fast.
Key - acts as a decoration, it disappears upon contact of cube.
Keyhole - acts as a decoration. It shows that a key needs to be used.
Text - acts as a decoration. You can type any message for it to display.
Monster 1 - acts as a spike, it will move its mouth.
Monster 2 - acts as a spike.
Monster 3 - acts as a spike.
Moving Thorns - acts as a spike.
Moving Water 1 - acts as a decoration.
Moving Water 2 - acts as a decoration.
Moving Water 3 - acts as a decoration.
Moving Water Filler - acts as a decoration.
Moving Diagonal Bar 1 - acts as a decoration.
Moving Diagonal Bar 2 - acts as a decoration.
Fire 1 - acts as a decoration.
Fire 2 - acts as a decoration.
Fire 3 - acts as a decoration.
Fire 4 - acts as a decoration.
Triggers does something when either 3 things: When a cube comes across its X-Position, comes into contact, or when a spawn triggers it.
Every trigger has an option to make it Touch Triggered or Spawn Triggered. It also have a Target Group ID, to where it will do the function on a certain group.
From left to right, top to bottom:
BG Trigger - changes the Background color.
Grnd Trigger - changes the Ground color.
Grnd 2 Trigger - changes the Ground 2 color.
Line Trigger - changes the Line color.
Obj Trigger - changes the Object color.
3dl Trigger - changes the 3D line color.
Col Trigger - changes a color channel's color.
Start Pos - places where the cube starts. You can't use this when verifying a level.
Disable Trail - disables the cube's trail.
Enable Trail - enables the cube's trail.
Move Trigger - moves an object. To be explained below.
Pulse Trigger - temporarily changes the color of an object. To be explained below.
Alpha Trigger - changes an object's transperacy. To be explained below.
Toggle Trigger - toggles when an object is present or not. To be explained below.
Spawn Trigger - activates a group of triggers. To be explain below.
Transitions 1-12 - changes the transition of the blocks on the edge. What each of them does is shown in their icon.
Move Trigger
Move X makes an object move horizontally. If it is positive, it will move right. If negative, it will move left.
Move Y makes an object move vertically. If it is positive, it will move up. If negative, it will move down.
Every 10 units is 1 block. You can also make it Lock to Player's X/Y.
Easing is for making an object move with an ease, just like what you did with those PowerPoint animations when you were a kid.
Move Time is for how long the trigger will last.
Pulse Trigger
You can choose which color the object will be.
Fade In is how long the color will fade in,
Hold is how long it will hold, and
Fade Out is how long the color will fade out.
You can choose between two modes, Color is to make it have a ceratin color, HSV is to make it have certain adjustments such as Hue, etc.
Alpha Trigger
FadeTime is how long the transperacy is being faded.
Opacity is how much visible the object is. 0.00 being invisible and 1.00 being opaque.
Toggle Trigger
Here, you can choose which group will be toggled.
When Activate Group is checked, the group will be activated instead of being disabled.
Spawn Trigger
When the cube comes in contact with this trigger, this trigger will trigger all the triggers that belong to the target group. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit Menu
With this menu, you can edit any object's position, rotation, or scale.
Here are the buttons (from left to right, top to bottom):
Small Move Buttons - these buttons make an object move 1/15 of a block.
Big Move Buttons - these buttons make an object move 1 block.
Flip Buttons - these buttons make an object flip horizontally or vertically.
Rotate Buttons - these buttons make an object rotate 90° or 45°.
Very Big Move Buttons - these buttons make an object move 5 blocks.
Very Small Move Buttons - these buttons make an object move 1/60 of a block.
Free Rotate Button - similar to the Free Rotate Buttton on the lower-right corner of the editor.
Snap Rotate Button - makes an object rotate to the angle of a nearby slope.
Scale Button - makes an object scale bigger or smaller. It can go as big as 2.00 and as small as 0.50.
Delete Menu
There are different modes for deleting objects, which is shown below:
(A yellow orb was selected just for an example.)
Here we have button, at the left side we have three buttons:
Delete Selected Area - deletes all the blocks in the selected area.
Delete Start Pos - deletes all the Start Pos blocks in the level.
Delete All Selected Object - deletes all the same kind of blocks as the selected one, in this case, a yellow orb.
At the right side, we have the conditions:
None - no condition for deleting objects, it will delete every object selected.
Static - it will delete all static objects. Static objects are Blocks, Spikes, etc.
Details - it will delete all detail objects/decorations. Detail objects are Details, Portals, Triggers, etc.
Custom - it will only delete objects of the same kind as the selected object.
Level Settings
And finally, when you tap the Level Settings button (the gear icon on the upper-right corner), you get this:
These are mostly settings on what will appear once you start a level.
On the left side, you can choose which speed you want the level to start.
On the right side, you can choose which type of background, line style, ground you like.
On the top side, you can assign different colors to different color channels.
Directly below it, you can choose which vehicle to start with.
On the bottom, you can choose the song. There are two types of songs: Normal songs are the offical songs, while Custom ones are from Newgrounds.
For the checkboxes, you can decide whether the level start in Mini, Dual, Font style, or if its in 2-Player Mode.
And that is the end of this tutorial, I hope you liked it!
And if you need more information about a certain thing, you can always press the blue (i) button to see what it does.
I might update this tutorial once 2.1 comes out.
Anyways, thanks for reading!
If you have any comments or suggestions, please tell me